bijan clinic hair solution

FAQ: Answering Your Burning Questions about hair solution

At Bijan clinic, we specialize in state-of-the-art hair solution and eyebrow transplant procedures. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing top-notch care and delivering natural-looking results that exceed our patients’ expectations.

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  • We specialize in hair, eyebrow, and beard transplant procedures for both men and women. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized and effective solutions to address your specific needs.
  • We offer complimentary consultations to assess your candidacy for a hair transplant. Factors such as the extent of hair loss, donor hair availability, and overall health will be evaluated to determine the most suitable treatment plan for you.
  • Yes, hair transplants are designed to provide permanent results. The transplanted hair follicles are resistant to the effects of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the hormone responsible for hair loss, ensuring long-lasting outcomes.
  • Visible improvements typically begin to appear within three to six months after the procedure. Full results, including increased hair density and thickness, become apparent within a year of treatment.
  • The recovery period varies for each patient but generally involves a few days of rest and avoiding strenuous activities. Most patients can resume their regular routines within a week after the procedure. Our team will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.
  • Yes, we offer eyebrow and beard transplant procedures for both men and women looking to enhance the appearance of their facial features. Our skilled surgeons utilize advanced techniques to achieve natural-looking results that complement your unique facial characteristics.
  • To schedule a consultation with our experienced team of specialists, please contact our clinic directly. We look forward to discussing your hair restoration goals and providing personalized solutions tailored to your needs.
    • An eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from one part of the body to the eyebrows. It is typically performed to enhance the appearance of thin or sparse eyebrows.
  • Candidates for eyebrow transplants include individuals with naturally thin or sparse eyebrows, those who have experienced eyebrow hair loss due to genetics, over-plucking, or medical conditions, and anyone seeking fuller, more defined eyebrows.
  • During an eyebrow transplant, hair follicles are usually harvested from the back of the scalp, where the hair tends to be thicker and coarser. The follicles are then carefully implanted into the eyebrows using specialized techniques to ensure natural-looking results.
  • Yes, eyebrow transplants are considered a permanent solution for thin or sparse eyebrows. The transplanted hair follicles will continue to grow and behave like natural eyebrow hair, requiring minimal maintenance.
  • During a consultation for an eyebrow transplant, your surgeon will assess your eyebrows, discuss your aesthetic goals, and review your medical history to determine if you're a suitable candidate for the procedure. They will also explain the process in detail and answer any questions you may have.

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